Well, here we go. The Senate has slated the next few days as a CONFIRMATION EXTRAVAGANZA, a veritable festival of ramming Trump’s picks for his Cabinet through the government. This means, of course, more legislative lobbying – at least, if you’re into that kind of thing.
There are a lot of guides circulating, but a particularly compelling one is here: Trump Cabinet Confirmation Blockade. The creators have, awesomely, have laid out who we need to call and when. If you do nothing else, make a call or two about any of the names in red on Tuesday, especially if your Senator is on any of the committees involved. You can also watch the confirmation hearings on CSPAN, which is pretty great (CSPAN is pretty great, for that matter.)
The Senate can’t formally confirm the nominees until after Trump gets sworn in. The relevant committees, however, can hold hearings about the candidates, and get ready to pass the appointee on to the full Senate for a vote. That’s what’s happening right now, and part of why the call lists above are not necessarily as simple as “call your Senators,” although it never hurts to give them a call too.
After the inauguration, the full Senate comes together for a vote. Senators can get involved at this point, and any Senator can call for debate. This is where you gotta call everyone – make sure the disagreement is robust and your Senators know you are paying attention.
Ultimately, do what you can – but remember what the Indivisible guide says – calls mean more than tweets and emails. A little effort here is worth the payoff.